from a dream to reality...
Since 2010

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Conditions of Use
The science and use of anabolic steroid and related compounds for performance enhancing is based on over 40 years of experience. The use of steroids in this regard is not covered by the medical fraternity. It is an unofficial science in this regard, passed on by generations of bodybuilders and steroid users. It is also the longest running clinical trial, even if it is un-official.
We do not condone the use of steroids and related compounds but we do believe in providing the best possible information about its use. We are not responsible for any side effects and health issues that may arise from people using steroids and/or related compounds based on our advice. You can reduce the risk with good information. We try and provide that based on the information you provide to us.
Steroids and related compounds taken with contra-indicated health conditions can cause major problems. Make sure you are aware of pre-existing medical conditions you may have or medication you are on that could interact negatively with steroids and related compounds.
Read the side effects section and make sure you are aware of the risks, even if most of them can be managed.
You have take the responsibility upon yourself when you use these compounds so get as much information as you can so that you can make an informed decision. Use moderation and make sure you use steroids and related compounds that contain the real actives in the right amounts. Be warned - there are a lot of fakes out there and a lot of brands that lie about what is really in their products.
GEAR4GYM assumes no liability for the use of any products supplied. Liability rests with the purchaser to use products under the guidance of a licensed physician.
We cannot be responsible for any customs restrictions, tariffs, or other regulations that may apply in any countries. If you have any questions, we encourage you to speak with your customs office, although we will ship any products you order to the address you provide.We are not responsible for items seized in customs, so please know your local laws pertaining to the items you order.
The laws are different in every country and we cannot keep up with them all. The responsibility is yours to check with your country's Customs office to see if your country allows the shipment of products you ordered to your country.
We respect your privacy and we protect it!
Pharma Pro will NOT share your email address or your personal details with any 3rd parties.
All your information regarding your purchases are kept encrypted in our servers for maximum security.
A Guide For Beginners
Steroids do not magically grow muscles, you must dedicate yourself to a disciplined workout routine to obtain the desired buildup of muscle mass. When planning your workouts, there are several factors to consider. First, to kick the body into muscle-building gear and out of its state of homeostasis, you need to plan a high intensity workout. This means you should plan for a workout with few sets that work the muscle until it fails. Large muscle groups will need more sets than small ones, but no more than eight sets are necessary to get the desired results. Your sets should also be consist of a small number of reps. Eight to ten reps should be sufficient for any workout as long as you are using heavy weights. You should increase the weights you lift as you get stronger to keep the workouts stressful on the muscles. If you can easily get through a set and you are not lifting until muscle failure, increase the weight. While stressful workouts stimulate the muscles, they do not grow until they are at rest. You should only workout one muscle group at a time about once a week and you should always workout every other day to allow the body enough rest time to grow the muscles. Also, after a period of intense training, you should take a few days off to rest and then start a plateau training program that is intended to keep you in shape but not necessarily to gain more mass. Because it is very likely that you will make gains of 20 pounds or more in a relatively short time, it is important to keep up a regular cardiovascular exercise workout as well to keep the heart in shape to handle the new body mass. Three to four half-hour cardio workouts a week should be sufficient to keep your heart healthy for your new body.
While it is true that using anabolic steroids will allow the body to grow larger muscles than what your natural genetics will allow, you are still bound by the basic rules of physiology you can not grow more mass unless you intake more mass in your diet. One of the most common reasons why bodybuilders show stagnate gains in their muscle mass is poor nutrition. Most people have bad habits when it comes to eating, which is why obesity is such a problem today. For bodybuilders, especially those using steroids, a disciplined diet can mean all the difference in the world when it comes to gains in muscle mass. Changing eating habits is hard to do but if you follow these simple guidelines, you can maximize the results of your diet. Eat more meals per day! Most of us have become indoctrinated to the thee-meal-a-day lifestyle, a large breakfast, hearty lunch and a dinner feast. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal eating schedule for the body and can lead to more unhealthy habits, like skipping lunch because of a large breakfast, for example. By consuming five to six meals throughout the day, the body will begin to release insulin continuously. Insulin carries amino acids, an essential building block of muscles. The most essential part of any bodybuilder's diet is protein. Because protein breaks down in the and turns into amino acids (the most essential building block for muscles), it is important to maintain a high intake of protein in order to continue growth. The best sources for protein come from meat, fish, eggs and milk. An effective diet for bodybuilders is a protein intake of one to one and a half grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. This amount should be adequate enough to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the muscle cell meaning the cell takes in more protein than it gives out. Carbohydrates are an important factor to a proper diet for athletes because they are essential to giving the body energy, maintaining blood-sugar levels and burning fat. A recommended amount of 800 to 900 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed daily. Good sources of complex carbohydrates, which should be about 85 percent of your carbohydrate intake, are whole grains, rice, oats, noodles, pasta and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates, which should be the remaining 15 percent of your carbohydrate intake, come from fruit.